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How to solve the problem of overlapping LED display screens?

Time:2016-11-23 Views:70
LED display screens may encounter many technical problems during the installation process or after they are put into use. Some may be caused by errors in the installation of the connection line, while others may be caused by improper settings or operating errors. Usually, only static Check carefully, and the problem is likely to be resolved. This time we will talk about when the LED display screen has overlapping coverage, how to troubleshoot the problem and make the screen display normally?
    The so-called LED display screen overlap refers to the overlap of the upper and lower lines of fonts or images, or only part of it can be displayed normally, and the position is staggered.
    The solution is to first check whether the power connection is loose or falling off. Usually the unstable power supply is the most common problem that causes the LED display failure; secondly, check whether the cable is connected firmly; if the above two items are checked correctly, the problem is If it still exists, then we will continue to troubleshoot other components.
    Connect each module in series, connect it to the transfer board, and then connect the transfer board to the control card, so that the problem can be found easily. Because the wiring sequence of the adapter board has a one-to-one correspondence with the module row, if the modules on the previous row and the modules on the next row are connected upside down, the display sequence will be disrupted. Normally, there should be a one-to-one correspondence, so that the screen content can be displayed normally, so this is the reason for the overlap of the screen. As long as the corresponding relationships are re-spliced ??one by one, everything will be back to normal. If there is no problem with the correspondence with the adapter board after inspection, then there is a problem with the output of the adapter board.
    Through the above analysis, we found that the reasons for the so-called failures are actually caused by some details that are not in place. Therefore, Optronics reminds you that you must carefully check whether the connections are wrong during the installation and acceptance of the display. Most of the time, it is not the quality of the display itself, so you don‘t have to be too anxious.
Keywords in this article: LED folding screen, LCD screen, LCD display, LED backlight, LCD display, LCD display, industrial display, touch screen, industrial control screen, brand new screen, original LED screen,
AOPU Electronics: http://www.ytyzkl.com
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